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Incentive Management ERP Software

Resource Management ERP Software


Businesses can now design, pay and track sales commission plans with Incentive Management Module of BCS. The challenges to generate and maintain complex multi-tiered commission plans including calculation and management of sales compensation is addressed by easy-to-use solution of BCS, based upon criteria like service item, product profitability, quantity sold, quota including one-time ‘spiffs’. Sales teams using BCS can derive clear view of their incentives via automated commission reporting, thereby ensuring better understanding of incentives by the sales reps and being aligned with their business objectives. 

Key abilities

Use analytics to predict commission earnings.

Commission payment processing through accounting personnel &/or sales managers.

Commission split son similar sales transaction between team members.

Multi scale options – target, marginal and linear factor.

Calculation and reporting on partner commissions.

Commission calculation rules based upon multiple criteria.

Manage & Centralize Commission Plans with great ease

BCS Incentive Management allows collaborative and central management of commission programs. Finance managers, sales managers and executives can manage effortlessly compensation rules in commission schedules sing familiar spreadsheet type interface. It is possible to configure rules using different performance measures which include the following:

Quotas per period (year-to-date, annually, quarterly, monthly) segmented by service product or total sales, business class, subsidiary, location or department.

Total Quantity Sold or Sales: Period or Per order segmented by service or product, business class, location or department.

Profitability: Based upon each order that is product segmented.

Custom Measurement: BCS provides calculation of commissions for quota-&-sales-based commission plans, based upon custom criteria.

It is possible to roll multiple commission schedules into comprehensive commission plans using BCS Incentive Management to include multiple rules as well as to enforce effective dates. It also greater flexibility as to how your commission plans can be structured and deployed.

Key Benefits

New commission plans rolled out with ease.

Diminish sales commission errors.

Provide real-time visibility of commission to sales professionals to motivate them.

Support Sophisticated Commission Rules

Sophisticated rule management is offered by BCS to ensure structuring of payments and commissions in a manner desired:

Calculation of commission done on linear scale with BCS, no scale, target scale or marginal scale. Total order value is used by linear sale to determine payment. Portions of order value are allotted by the marginal scale to every step of the scale. Target factor enables setting of single schedule using linear scale for awarding target factor percentage.

Easy calculation of indirect commissions due to executes and managers from field level sales. Establish a schedule applying to sales executives and managers. As the manager’s field sales personnel team book orders which qualify, amount gets reflected in compensation due to manager or qualified individuals within the organizational hierarchy.

Establish split commissions as and when required. having Team Selling abilities, you will derive the capability to split commissions on same sales transaction amongst multiple parties. for every sales individual who is involved in this transaction, specify appropriate contribution percentage and use contribution percentage for automatic commission schedules to determine final payout.

Control Royalties & Partner Commissions

BCS Incentive Management allows calculation and reporting pertaining to partner commissions. Same sales transaction can be paid to both partners and employees.

Calculation of partner commissions based upon similar parameters utilized for employees like profitability, commissions on sales, etc.

Calculation of partner commission using custom criteria for greater flexibility.

Adaptable and flexible approval process

Different ways are offered by BCS Incentive Management to process & approve commission payments:

Triggering of commission calculations on customer invoicing or after payment of the invoice. Commission calculation is triggered by approved sales order in BCS.

Sales manager approval might be necessary with accounting approval or only sales manager approval for commission amounts.

During commission approval procedure, there will be available manual overrides.

On approval of compensation, through auto integrated payroll procedure or accounts payable, payment is possible with BCS.

Change in invoice might cause underpayments and overpayments, which are managed by providing debit or credit towards next pay cycle.

Analytics & Sales Commission Reporting

Analytics and complete reporting ranging from sales to finance, to sales ops are offered by BCS:

Allow earnings forecast by salespeople to view their summary detailed commission reports that is integrated within their SFA (sales force automation)| activities and sales dashboard.

Simplify compensation management for the channel, allowing sales commissions to be viewed in online Partner Center by partners.

Ensure monitoring of quota performance, sales trends, attainment distributions including summary & detailed compensation by finance, sales operations and sales using real-time, role-based dashboards & reporting.



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